So, as you can see, this is my first blog post EVER. This is going to be a little insight into what I've been doing as of last Monday. I don't know if any of you have ever heard of a thing called 20time? Well this is that. I am doing a 20time project for my English class, which includes a blog (this is that blog, if you didn't know,) and one other big project. Some of my classmates are writing novels, or learning a new language. I am not doing that. I think, don't quote me on this, but I THINK I'm going to make a writing club at my school. 
   Writing is something that is kind of a big thing in my life. I've written two books (not GOOD books, but nobody's perfect,) and I know how awesome I felt after I finished them. It was like for a year and a half I was carrying around my characters on my back, and after I finished, I finally told them to "GET OFF!" I want complete strangers to experience this feeling too!
    I know that when I was writing, I would have killed for someone to talk to about it. I had one friend that helped me with a lot of things, but sometimes, even with two of us, we just couldn't decide on something. I feel like if there was a club, then at least one person would have a good idea to contribute! So that's my idea. If I have another one that's better than this one, I'll let you know. For now, though, I think I'll stick with this.
    Again, this is my very first blog post. That being said, I have absolutely no idea how to end this. I guess I'll just say "This is Maddie, signing off." So here goes. This is Maddie, signing off. That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Until next time, readers! Until next time.
Ms. Zylka
1/24/2014 02:21:54 am

This blog is going to be a such a great tool for you to share some of your writing with the world. I look forward to watching your progress. Good luck!


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