This is long overdue, but here it is, and I think this post needs some explanation. In November, something happens that some of you might know. NaNoWriMo. National Novel Writing Month. It's basically when you write an entire novel in one month, and let me tell you, it's not easy. I've been doing NaNo for about three years now, and I've only "won" once. This year, unfortunately, was not that once. So, I decided to write a song about my NaNo struggles, set to the tune of Somebody That I Used To Know. I call it, Some Novel That I Almost Wrote. And I know I promised you guys lyrics before the video, so here they are. I hope you like them! Oh, and a new thing that I'm going to do, just to spice up my blog, since it's about songs and lyrics, I'm going to put a favorite lyric from a song on each blog post. My lyric of the day is: "But all I've ever learned comes second-hand, And I dare not preach what I don't understand." from Icon For Hire's, Make A Move.
Now and then I think of how much I had written. 

My God, how the story’s changed since then.

Told myself that I could write this year,

but I was wrong and now I have tears.

But that was NaNo, and it happens in November.

You can get addicted to a certain kind of madness.

Like editing again and again, always again.

So when I found that I could not make sense

of the words written in blue pen,

I’ll admit that I waited till the month was over.

I didn’t have to cut and paste.

Make out like I wrote it in Drive, and not in notebook.

It really was a waste of time.

I really should be writing, look how long this took.

No, I didn’t have to lose it all.

Rewrite every chapter, and then change my characters.

I failed at NaNoWriMo.

Now you’re just some novel that I almost wrote.

Now you’re just some novel that I almost wrote.

Now you’re just some novel that I almost wrote.

Now and then I think of all the times I procrastinated.

Had me believing it was something that was really fun.

But I don’t wanna to live that way.

Cramming every word today.

I thought that I could let it go,

but now I know I have to win at NaNoWriMo.

I didn’t have to cut and paste.

Make out like I wrote it in Drive, and not in notebook.

It was really just a waste of time.

I really should be writing, look how long this took.

No, I didn’t have to lose it all.

Rewrite every chapter, and then change my characters.

I failed at NaNoWriMo.

Now you’re just some novel that I almost wrote.


Some novel

(That I almost wrote)

Some novel

(Now you’re just some novel that I almost wrote)

(I almost wrote)

(That I almost wrote)

(I almost wrote)

Some novel
You've been Loki'd

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