Okay, so I know I haven't posted anything in a while, and I'm sorry. I am here to rectify that. I have recently learned that making a school club is actually a lot harder than I had anticipated. SO, I'm changing. I know, I know, you wait this long for a post about writing club, and now it's not even a post about writing club. I feel bad, I really do, I just don't feel bad enough to not change. 
    So, what am I changing to? Well, I'll tell you. A while ago, my Biology teacher made me write a "rap" based on DNA. I, being the worst rapper in existence, obviously was not comfortable with this. So, I didn't write a rap. I wrote a parody. I parodied the song Always, by Panic! At The Disco. If you want to hear it, it's on YouTube, but I don't recommend it. It's not very good, to say the least. However, I actually enjoyed this assignment. I liked writing the lyrics, and singing on YouTube. So that's what I'm going to do. I am going to attempt to make one parody every week, and upload them to YouTube. I'll have the videos here as well, so you don't have to subscribe to my channel to see them if you don't want to. I do not have a video this week, so I can't really share anything with you, but I will do my best this weekend to at least get the lyrics done, so you can see them on Sunday. I guess that's all I've got to say, so I'll see you next time. This is Maddie, signing off. 

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