So my friend Micalea has a church friend who is in this insanely amazing band called Shiny Penny. I am now obsessed with it. I think I have heard the song Mr. Welker about a million times just this morning. I'm thinking this is going to be my next parody project. Wish me luck, I've also added the song onto here so that you can become obsessed with it too. Enjoy!




Here's the MCR parody that I promised. Famous Last Posts. 

Now I know, that I can't walk away
I don't feel smart
I don't feel smart
I don't feel

And I know, there's nothing you can say
To change that part
To change that part
To change

So many websites that do not matter
But can I sleep?
Well is it hard understanding 
They make me complete
A brand new fandom
I feel so meek 
A whole new fandom
I can't sleep

I am not afraid to keep on pinning
I am not afraid to like this post alone
Honey I will slay this boredom dragon
Nothing you can say will make me leave my home

Can you see
My screen is shinning bright
Cause I'm out here, on the other side
Of a new tag on Tumblr
I feel so meek
Is it hard understanding
It makes me complete
A brand new fandom
I feel meek

I am not afraid to keep on pinning 
I am not afraid to like this post alone
Honey I will slay this boredom dragon
Nothing you can say will make me leave my home (x2)
So while the MCR one is in the shop, here's one that I had to do for biology homework. This is a DNA parody of Always by Panic! At The Disco. 

With base pairs, and mutagens, it mutates, and replicates.
Genes change the way we think, and may increase the risk of getting a disease.

Because it’s DNA, not RNA. It separates, with Helicase.
Translation happens in cytoplasm, replication here we go.  

The leading strand and lagging strand go 3 to 5 and 5 to 3.
Ribosomes decode genetic code, and there are more than one in bacteria.

Because it’s DNA, not RNA. It separates, with Helicase.
Translation happens in cytoplasm, replication here we go.

Transcription uses uracil,
Unlike translation, which uses thymine.

Because it’s DNA, not RNA. It separates, with Helicase
Translation happens in cytoplasm, replication here we go.

Replication here we go.
Replication here we go.
Replication here we go.
A younger, more eccentric, Brendon Urie.
Another totally random parody about the internet. It's not done yet, but I thought you guys might like a taste of what will be coming. This is the chorus to my parody of Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance, that doesn't have a name at this point in time. Also, my quote of the post: "The angles are all wrong now, she's ripping wings off of butterflies." from Brick By Boring Brick, by Paramore. This is my favorite song by them, and probably my favorite adaptation of Hayley Williams' hair. I love the blonde. 

I am  not afraid to keep on pinning
I am not afraid to like this post alone
Honey I will slay this boredom dragon
Nothing you can say will make me leave my home
Totally rocking the blonde
Then again, I do love the red.
So, I've actually had this done since last year, but I really didn't have a reason for it. Well now I do! Here is my parody of Sail, by AWOLNATION, called Flail. Enjoy.


This is how I ship my love
I made it in my mind because
I blame it on the BBC baby

This is how the Doctor dies
I blame it on Moffat's pride 
I blame it on the BBC baby


John Watson did cry for help
And Sherlock kind of killed himself 
Blame it on the BBC baby

Merlin is a different breed
But Arthur's not listening
So Blame it on the BBC baby

Okay so a LITTLE change to my blog. I know! You don't have to say it. But yeah, slight change. My video camera is nonexistent at the moment, (i.e. it's broken) so no videos. I will, however, still have lyrics on here, and my quote of the day. Or quote of the post, as it were. My quote of the post for today is: "There's something beautiful and tragic in the fall out." - Miss Jackson, by Panic! At The Disco. My newest lyrics will be coming soon. Probably a lot sooner than you think.
Brendon Urie, lead singer of Panic! At The Disco.
This is long overdue, but here it is, and I think this post needs some explanation. In November, something happens that some of you might know. NaNoWriMo. National Novel Writing Month. It's basically when you write an entire novel in one month, and let me tell you, it's not easy. I've been doing NaNo for about three years now, and I've only "won" once. This year, unfortunately, was not that once. So, I decided to write a song about my NaNo struggles, set to the tune of Somebody That I Used To Know. I call it, Some Novel That I Almost Wrote. And I know I promised you guys lyrics before the video, so here they are. I hope you like them! Oh, and a new thing that I'm going to do, just to spice up my blog, since it's about songs and lyrics, I'm going to put a favorite lyric from a song on each blog post. My lyric of the day is: "But all I've ever learned comes second-hand, And I dare not preach what I don't understand." from Icon For Hire's, Make A Move.

    Okay, so I know I haven't posted anything in a while, and I'm sorry. I am here to rectify that. I have recently learned that making a school club is actually a lot harder than I had anticipated. SO, I'm changing. I know, I know, you wait this long for a post about writing club, and now it's not even a post about writing club. I feel bad, I really do, I just don't feel bad enough to not change. 
    So, what am I changing to? Well, I'll tell you. A while ago, my Biology teacher made me write a "rap" based on DNA. I, being the worst rapper in existence, obviously was not comfortable with this. So, I didn't write a rap. I wrote a parody. I parodied the song Always, by Panic! At The Disco. If you want to hear it, it's on YouTube, but I don't recommend it. It's not very good, to say the least. However, I actually enjoyed this assignment. I liked writing the lyrics, and singing on YouTube. So that's what I'm going to do. I am going to attempt to make one parody every week, and upload them to YouTube. I'll have the videos here as well, so you don't have to subscribe to my channel to see them if you don't want to. I do not have a video this week, so I can't really share anything with you, but I will do my best this weekend to at least get the lyrics done, so you can see them on Sunday. I guess that's all I've got to say, so I'll see you next time. This is Maddie, signing off. 

Have you ever felt seriously left out? Like the whole world is privy to some huge inside joke, that you weren't there for? Well that’s kind of been my life for the past week or so. You see, I've been pretty sick lately. I haven’t really gotten to advance much on this project. Mostly because I haven’t physically been to school in a while. I will update you on any progress that I make. Even if I don't make any..... In any case, I guess my days of lazing around and watching Firefly are over. Back to the old grind. This is Maddie, signing off. See you next time!

   So, as you can see, this is my first blog post EVER. This is going to be a little insight into what I've been doing as of last Monday. I don't know if any of you have ever heard of a thing called 20time? Well this is that. I am doing a 20time project for my English class, which includes a blog (this is that blog, if you didn't know,) and one other big project. Some of my classmates are writing novels, or learning a new language. I am not doing that. I think, don't quote me on this, but I THINK I'm going to make a writing club at my school. 
   Writing is something that is kind of a big thing in my life. I've written two books (not GOOD books, but nobody's perfect,) and I know how awesome I felt after I finished them. It was like for a year and a half I was carrying around my characters on my back, and after I finished, I finally told them to "GET OFF!" I want complete strangers to experience this feeling too!
    I know that when I was writing, I would have killed for someone to talk to about it. I had one friend that helped me with a lot of things, but sometimes, even with two of us, we just couldn't decide on something. I feel like if there was a club, then at least one person would have a good idea to contribute! So that's my idea. If I have another one that's better than this one, I'll let you know. For now, though, I think I'll stick with this.
    Again, this is my very first blog post. That being said, I have absolutely no idea how to end this. I guess I'll just say "This is Maddie, signing off." So here goes. This is Maddie, signing off. That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Until next time, readers! Until next time.